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The Redeeming Features of the Characters in Electra Essay -- Euripides
The Redeeming Features of the Characters in Electra   In Euripides' 'Electra', there are various parts, talking and n...
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Houyhnhnms in Gullivers Travels Essay - 505 Words
The Houyhnhnms in Gullivers Travels In the last part of the novel Gullivers Travels, by Jonathan Swift, a dichotomy is established which crtiticizes two extreme ideas of man. The Houynhnms, a race of horses, are meant to symbolize man as a supremely rational being and the Yahoos, a primitive, vulgar version of humans, are made to symbolize man as an animal. The narrator Gulliver is a sort of reference point between the two, since in physical appearance he seems to be a Yahoo, but his ability to reason enables him to relate well to the Houynhnms. Readers have interrpreted the rational horses in a number of different ways. Some feel that the Houynhnms are the ideal to which humans should strive to attain. Others feel that the†¦show more content†¦Indeed, Love plays no part in even the institution of matrimony. Mates are selected based on their coloring, and to produce offspring that will enhance the species as a whole. Even death evokes no emotion among the Houyhnhnms; If they can avoid Casualties, they die only of Old Age, and are buried in the obscurest Places that can be found, their Friends and Relations expressing neither Joy nor Grief at their Departure. Why would the human ideal be existing as emotion-less, passion-less creatures devoid of feeling and driven purely by reason. Although Gulliver so admires them, Swift does not mean us to take this admiration seriously. When Gulliver first encounters the Houynhnms, he takes an immediate liking to them, saying Upon the whole, the behaviour of these animals was so orderly and rational, so acute and judicious, that I at at last concluded they must needs be Magician. This admiration grows and grows until he quickly comes to believe that these creatures are perfect in every way possible. The fact that these creatures are horses, not humans, symbolizes how Swift believes that no humans can be so perfect. The extent to which Gulliver worships these creatures is further delineated by his self-loathing; When I happened to behold my Reflec tion of my ownShow MoreRelatedSwifts Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift Essay1267 Words  | 6 Pages Swifts Gulliver’s Travels enables us to critically and harshly analyse our world and encourages us to evaluate the customs of early 18th century English society in relation to an ideal humanity. In order to address the injustices prevalent in human constructs and behavior, Swift uses literary techniques to induce a state of extreme self-doubt. The satires assessment of humanitys positive and negative traits is developed through Gullivers awkward process of identifying with the loathsome YahoosRead MoreJonathan Swift s True Purpose1067 Words  | 5 Pageswonderful children’s book, filth, and absurd were just a few words that people during the 17th century used to describe Gulliver’s Travels. 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Although many readers, at first glance, take this tale to be simply a fantastic narrative of a common man and his encounters with unusual locations and people through several journeys, further inspection reveals Swift’s true purpose of creativity--satire. Using the contemporary style of the Travel NarrativeRead MoreEssay on The Nature of Man in Gullivers Travels742 Words  | 3 PagesThe Nature of Man in Gullivers Travels Swift uses many personae to sketch the nature of man in Book 4 of Gullivers travels. The problem with this is that none of the personae give us the same definition of the nature of man. First of all, there is Gulliver himself, who bases his judgments on the ways in which the Yahoos behave and the way the people from his country behave. He ties it all together at the end in his reflections. Most of all, throughout the book, we get an idea of the natureRead More Swift Essay648 Words  | 3 Pageswork Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift demonstrates to the reader the importance of virtue. I this story the main character am Gulliver; a world traveler who takes a journey to different lands. Each place that Gulliver lands has different ideals that are the foundation of their society. Their views on life are completely new to Gulliver. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There are fatal errors in the way each society functions. The Yahoos are considered to be unintelligent savages. The Houyhnhnms are
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