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The Redeeming Features of the Characters in Electra Essay -- Euripides
The Redeeming Features of the Characters in Electra   In Euripides' 'Electra', there are various parts, talking and n...
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Release Of Information ( Roi ) Staff Privacy And Privacy...
HIM 6840 Case Studies in Health Information Management Name: Bayo Oshunlalu Case #: 4 - 11 Case Title: Release of Information (ROI) Staff Privacy and Privacy Rule Training Test Privacy and HIPPA Training Quiz for Release of Information Instructions: Place an â€Å"X†beside the each of the following situations that violate HIPPA Requirements. X a. Marjorie just processed a request for PHI. It was 60 days ago. Explanation: According to both HIPAA and ARRA regulations, healthcare organizations compels to allow all reasonable efforts to limit the disclosure of information to the minimum necessary data to accomplish the purpose of the request (McWay, 2010). Based on the information provided, the request for PHI fails to specify the date of validity of the release of PHI. According to the HIPAA privacy rule, a request for the release of PHI is invalid if the request meets the following specifications (1) expiration date not specified that is related to purpose of disclosure, or the date on the request for information has elapse, (2) If the authorization request have been revoked, (3) failure to clearly state the intended purpose of release of information, (4) failure to provide signature and date of authorizing the disclosure of information ( or failure to provide specification of the representative’s authority to act on behalf of the patients), and (5) failure to specify the entity d isclosing and the recipient entity (Department of Health Human Services, 2004). ThereShow MoreRelatedThe American Health Information Management Association1383 Words  | 6 PagesThe American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) is a recognized, respected association of health information management (HIM) professionals worldwide. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Houyhnhnms in Gullivers Travels Essay - 505 Words
The Houyhnhnms in Gullivers Travels In the last part of the novel Gullivers Travels, by Jonathan Swift, a dichotomy is established which crtiticizes two extreme ideas of man. The Houynhnms, a race of horses, are meant to symbolize man as a supremely rational being and the Yahoos, a primitive, vulgar version of humans, are made to symbolize man as an animal. The narrator Gulliver is a sort of reference point between the two, since in physical appearance he seems to be a Yahoo, but his ability to reason enables him to relate well to the Houynhnms. Readers have interrpreted the rational horses in a number of different ways. Some feel that the Houynhnms are the ideal to which humans should strive to attain. Others feel that the†¦show more content†¦Indeed, Love plays no part in even the institution of matrimony. Mates are selected based on their coloring, and to produce offspring that will enhance the species as a whole. Even death evokes no emotion among the Houyhnhnms; If they can avoid Casualties, they die only of Old Age, and are buried in the obscurest Places that can be found, their Friends and Relations expressing neither Joy nor Grief at their Departure. Why would the human ideal be existing as emotion-less, passion-less creatures devoid of feeling and driven purely by reason. Although Gulliver so admires them, Swift does not mean us to take this admiration seriously. When Gulliver first encounters the Houynhnms, he takes an immediate liking to them, saying Upon the whole, the behaviour of these animals was so orderly and rational, so acute and judicious, that I at at last concluded they must needs be Magician. This admiration grows and grows until he quickly comes to believe that these creatures are perfect in every way possible. The fact that these creatures are horses, not humans, symbolizes how Swift believes that no humans can be so perfect. The extent to which Gulliver worships these creatures is further delineated by his self-loathing; When I happened to behold my Reflec tion of my ownShow MoreRelatedSwifts Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift Essay1267 Words  | 6 Pages Swifts Gulliver’s Travels enables us to critically and harshly analyse our world and encourages us to evaluate the customs of early 18th century English society in relation to an ideal humanity. In order to address the injustices prevalent in human constructs and behavior, Swift uses literary techniques to induce a state of extreme self-doubt. The satires assessment of humanitys positive and negative traits is developed through Gullivers awkward process of identifying with the loathsome YahoosRead MoreJonathan Swift s True Purpose1067 Words  | 5 Pageswonderful children’s book, filth, and absurd were just a few words that people during the 17th century used to describe Gulliver’s Travels. During the 17th century there was a period of new ideas and creativity; that period was called the Reformation. The Reformation period was a time of change for how people interpreted the world around them. The opinions of Gulliver’s Travels were based off of interpretations of the book, the interpretations were not always correct; therefore, the opinions wereRead More English Society and Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels Essay1195 Words  | 5 PagesExposed in Gullivers Travels             In Gullivers Travels, Swift takes us to many places that serve as a looking glass for the foibles of English society, but none of the places are as severe a censure of men as Houyhnhnmland. Here Swift has made a clear division of pure reason, embodied in the Houyhnhnms (maybe he was refering to horse sense), and raw passion, embodied in the Yahoos (which are coincidentally very manlike). Here Gulliver has to make the choice between Houyhnhnms andRead MoreGulliver s Travels By Johnathan Swift914 Words  | 4 PagesGulliver’s Travels is a travel book written by Johnathan Swift. Gulliver’s Travel was published in 1726. Johnathan Swift is a satirist. A satirist is a writer who uses humor, irony, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity. Swift goes on a journey throughout the boo. During the journey, Johnathan exploits human flaws in his travel book. Gulliver travels into four imaginary lands. Each of the four books provide social and po litical commentary. Swift created this book to get a buzz.Read MoreJonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels1210 Words  | 5 Pages The definition of a utopia is an imagined place or state in which everything is perfect. In book four of Gulliver’s travels Gulliver discovers a group of people called the Houyhnhnms and the group displays qualities of a possible utopia. The Houyhnhnms are very rational in their thinking, and try their best to stay away from entertainment and vanity. However the Houyhnhnms could not be considered creators of a utopia because they emphasized unrealistic rules and because of their treatment ofRead MoreGullivers Travels: Swifts Opinions Of The English Essay960 Words  | 4 Pagesliterature Gullivers Travels . The many humorous stories in Gullivers Travels have appealed to audiences of all ages since the book was written in the early eighteenth century by Jonathan Swift, a political writer (xvii).     Gullivers Travels is written as Lemuel Gullivers account of his voyages to the strange lands of Lilliput, Brobdingnag, the kingdom of Laputa, and the land of the Houyhnhnms. Swifts opinions on the English politics of his time are disguised in Gullivers strange encountersRead MoreThe Dystopia Of Gulliver s Travels1673 Words  | 7 PagesThe dystopia of Gulliver’s Travels In the narrative of Gulliver’s Travels, the journey of Gulliver had a series of events that led the readers to identify whether the novel was utopia or dystopia. Utopia is a place that is filled with perfect peace, it is a perfect world, no wars, no poverty, no discrimination, and etc., while dystopia is the total opposite, it is a bad place, the freedom to have independence without thinking correctly, and not having any control or any governments to governRead More Gullivers Travels Essay705 Words  | 3 PagesSATIRE OF GULLIVER’S TRAVELS nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Jonathan Swift’s satirical prose, Gulliver’s Travels, is the subject of a wide variety of literary critique and social interpretation. Although many readers, at first glance, take this tale to be simply a fantastic narrative of a common man and his encounters with unusual locations and people through several journeys, further inspection reveals Swift’s true purpose of creativity--satire. Using the contemporary style of the Travel NarrativeRead MoreEssay on The Nature of Man in Gullivers Travels742 Words  | 3 PagesThe Nature of Man in Gullivers Travels Swift uses many personae to sketch the nature of man in Book 4 of Gullivers travels. The problem with this is that none of the personae give us the same definition of the nature of man. First of all, there is Gulliver himself, who bases his judgments on the ways in which the Yahoos behave and the way the people from his country behave. He ties it all together at the end in his reflections. Most of all, throughout the book, we get an idea of the natureRead More Swift Essay648 Words  | 3 Pageswork Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift demonstrates to the reader the importance of virtue. I this story the main character am Gulliver; a world traveler who takes a journey to different lands. Each place that Gulliver lands has different ideals that are the foundation of their society. Their views on life are completely new to Gulliver. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There are fatal errors in the way each society functions. The Yahoos are considered to be unintelligent savages. The Houyhnhnms are
Monday, December 9, 2019
Designing Discovery Learning Environments †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Designing Discovery Learning Environments. Answer: Introduction This assignment is a discussion of the development processes in form of an implementation plan which drove the reconstruction of an Australian Tertiary College. The main consideration in this discussion is the reassessment of the technological level of the institution; as well as the pedagogy which then develops the vision statement. The tertiary Colleges vision statement provides a procedure that the institution would undertake to attain its development potential. The technological analysis involves the impacts on each and every stakeholder including the students, parents, the organization and the staff. Other aspect of analysis that would help in the determination of the level of development; brought about by the implementation of information systems include socio-ecosystem analysis. The preferred Socio-Ecosystem aspect of development happens in stages. They include: In the assignment the change levers are also determined with regards to the stakeholder alignment strategies. The last stage of development in this case is a plan associated with change management. The first aspect of IS Management is vision statement implementation. A vision statement is like a path or a roadmap to follow. In another way, it may also mean a compass point showing the direction of success. The vision of any organization focuses on the future of the same firm. The vision statement is one important factor that influences the creation of changes. On the same, this assignment is going to discuss the educational vision statement of Australian Tertiary College on the basis of the institutions pedagogy, curriculum, and mostly technological level. Regarding IS Management, the institutions vision is: Australian Tertiary College has fully integrated ICT in every bit of its educational processes. Teachers have also adopted the use of ICT devices in their educational processes (Kamboj and Singh 2015). Through such developments, the institution has been able to provide online studies. Integrated in the educational system is the HS1 system for management. Through this system the institution has been able to provide academic content both to virtual and real students. This is one system that has worked many institutions. Some of these institutions are federal governments. HS1 helps in the management of information of individuals. In our IS Management case, this system is employed by Australian Tertiary College to ensure that the information of all stakeholders of the institution is tracked and also stored properly. According to the vision statement, the system is centrally administered through twelve office areas. Such a way allows the institution to track, with a lot of ease, the students performances and the operations of the college. Analysis of Stakeholder In our study case, the stakeholders include teachers, students, the immediate community, management and the subordinate staff. Before the implementation of the information systems, the stakeholders have to come to a consensus that such systems will improve student performance. Talking of ICT integration, the institution will adopt the use of ICT teaching devices as well as management databases such as HS1 (Bingimlas 2009). On implementation, ICT will form the backbone by which students are taught on how to fight for work in the local and international markets. Such would be achieved through the employment of interactive and innovative techniques in the teaching field that would boost student performance. Some of the programs that would be implemented are computer aided designs, computer assisted instructions, and audio-visual aids. Also, as the digital age matures, the learning processes should be both digitalized and engaging (Bingimlas 2009). On the basis of management of information of the colleges stakeholders, the VMM cloud computing management platform (which is a database management system) ensures that every piece of data is safe. This platform is also important in the development of a Human Resource framework of management. The creation of an excellent and professional staff is only possible if the Australian Tertiary College develops a proper human resource framework (Roy 2012). With a proper HR (Human Resource) department, the institution will be able to hire ICT experts. On the contrary, everything depends on a proper management and administrative system (Roy 2012). In this IS Management discussion, Australian Tertiary Colleges key stakeholders that would ensure a successful implementation of the identified system is a Project Team. The activities performed by this team include rotationalization of student record forms as well as change management. With regards to the anticipation of this stakeholder analysis, the chosen team should include: Endorsement and funding approval from the Executive Committee or the board. Appointment of the management team Communication coordination and change management by an experienced project manager. IT integration and Infrastructure compatibility with the technical environment that exists since the system requires an interface. Security access levels availability Ability to handle cross campus students. Being able to resolve duplicate and merged URs. Effective Staffs Impact Statement The Payroll Cycle Each and every aspect of finance includes proper methods of payment that is managed through proper payroll cycles. Having ICT integrated into the system ensures that the management of the institution is able to monitor the payment of workers. The payment cycles have help several organizations form financial partnership platforms (Albugarni and Ahmed 2015). Before, the institutions Socio-Ecosystem was not as efficient as its level of technology. There were very few ICT devices used in the teaching and learning processes. Such lead to the need for technological advancements. During the initial stages of implementation, the institution employed the use of computers in particular levels of operation like the sector of administration (Roy 2012). By then, the institution used just one interactive board together with a few projectors to be used in particular occasions. As the need for more interactive boards, computers, projectors, and other gears for teaching arose, the institution added more. The intended goals were thus achieved. Australian Tertiary College then began offering ICT courses leading to the need for training more teachers on the pros and cons of technology. The number of students applying for ICT courses also soared. Earlier on, students would prefer doing business courses to ICT courses (Roy 2012). Australia Tertiary Colleges socio-ecosystem happens to be one that the school has well furnished classrooms with full ICT equipment. Such an achievement is in line with the vision of the school. Regarding the institutions vision, each and every classroom should have computers, interactive boards, and other ICT learning equipment. Earlier on, the institution didnt offer courses associated with ICT. However, the vision states that the future of the learning and teaching need to integrate aspects of ICT even more. Each and every course will then have to integrate ICT. ICT will have to form the backbone of every learning process. Such is to mean that more information systems would have to be employed. Changes brought be the implementation of information systems Among the myriad of changes include altering the stakeholders mentality as well as changing the framework of the organization. Regarding the framework of the organization, each and every sector need to be restructured in a way that ICT equipment are all integrated and also in full operation. Also, regarding changing the mentality of stakeholders, all the teachers have been able to change their strategies of teaching to have technology incorporated. Having technology added to the teaching practice would ensure that the learning process is made easy and interesting. Students would also learn about the importance of information systems and ICT. Teachers and parents, as stakeholders, would also have a better chance of tracking the performances and improvements of students (Kaur 2015). Still on the changes, research activities are performed now and again to have the reactions of the involved parties realized. Benchmark studies are also conducted for the purpose of determining the cons, pr os, and impacts of having ICT integrated in the education processes. A year after implementation, the school had already initiated sensitization programs that would teach on the pros and cons of integrating ICT into the institutions operational framework in terms of the academic, management and administrative aspects. However, the institution needed more interactive boards. Five years down the line, the institution acquired enough ICT equipment in form of laptops, computers, projectors, interactive boards and tablets. Also, the institution ensures that proper incentives such as government policies are employed in the facilitation of the ICT processes of learning. More ICT teachers are recruited while students interested in learning ICT course would be admitted. Ten years after the implementation of the information systems, the institution would have made several positive changes. Such changes include the introduction of online courses. Another change is the adoption of a better database management system. Such a system would be used in three main sectors. These sectors are administrative, management and academic. The management system is intended to increase operations efficiency. At this time, the school would have effectively incorporated ICT in every offered course. The application for ICT courses by students would also be massive such is due to the fact that technology would have dominated the academic processes. Change Levers and Stakeholder Alignment Those involved in the institutions educational activities are sensitized on the benefits as well as the impacts of having proper information systems as well as incorporating ICT in the teaching processes. Every stakeholder is properly informed on the requirements of global markets with regards to training of ICT experts. Such a reason ensures that the institution teaches students under international standards of management and entrepreneurial skills that are needed to make them work anywhere in the universe (Kaur 2015). It is through technology and the aspects of information systems management that several countries have been able to boost their economies. Australia, for instance, uses more than US $8 billion annually to ensure that its economic sectors are improved. Such sectors include the education segment (Kaur 2015). Australian Tertiary College has always employed government policies and incentives for proper information system management as well as the use of ICT to get protection from the law so as to avoid cyber-crimes and other computer technology associated malice (Kaur 2015). Each and every aspect highlighted in this discussion paper has been made possible by the availability of government funds. Teachers are as well given in-service training for the purpose of boosting their confidence when it comes to utilizing ICT teaching resources for such processes (Kaur 2015). The software and hardware information system resources have all been vital in the achievement of organizational goals. Since the institution in question had the capacity to implement the suggested plan through its management, maintenance of the same organizational changes is unlikely to cause any problems. Such changes have had massive impacts on the operations of the institution. In case such changes would have not been initiated, the institution wouldnt have been able to survive the current technological outlay in management aspects. On the contrary, the achievements of Australian Tertiary College depend on Team Corporation. Team corporation is whereby every stakeholder executes his or her role in processes that would ensure the sustenance of changes that are recommended (Vincent 1992). Conclusion As highlighted in the introductory part of this activity, this assignment discusses the implementation plan which leads to the development processes or rather, the reconstruction of the Australian Tertiary College. The main consideration in this discussion is the reassessment of the technological level of the institution; as well as the pedagogy which then develops the vision statement. From the Colleges vision statement, a procedure that the institution takes to attain its development potential is discussed. The technological analysis involves the impacts on each and every stakeholder including the students, parents, the organization and the staff. Other aspect of analysis that would help in the determination of the level of development; brought about by the implementation of information systems include socio-ecosystem analysis. Reference Albugarni, S Ahmed, V 2015, Success factors for ICT implementation in Saudi secondary schools: From the perspective of ICT directors, head teachers, teachers and students.International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology,[online]. (1). 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Sunday, December 1, 2019
Kiera Brinkley A Person Who Has Influenced My Life in Positive Way
Leading normal lives we do not understand how lucky we are to have legs and hands, we do not respect the opportunities we are offered and we do not know how to use the basic issues we have, the opportunity to walk and to use hands, while those who live with limited opportunities lead fuller lives than others do. Kiera Brinkley is the example of how we are to live.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Kiera Brinkley: A Person Who Has Influenced My Life in Positive Way specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Kiera Brinkley is a sixteen year old girl who lost her legs and hands when she was 2 years old because of the meningococcal disease. During her life, her mother supported and inspired her telling that she is not different from others, but that she is unique and she should be proud of it. This point of view helped Kiera Brinkley grow up a positive person with many desires. Looking at Kiera Brinkley I understand how strong t his person must be to be able to dance without legs. She inspired me for actions. Watching the video on YouTube with Kiera Brinkley I was inspired by her mode of life, her strong character and desire to live. Kiera Brinkley lives fuller life that people with ordinary options and she may be used as the role model for others. Being limited in movement, she managed not only to walk and study at college, she also realized her dream to dance and this is a great achievement. I was inspired by this persona and I am sure that everyone who watches how this person uses her body having limited opportunities is inspired as well. She motivated me for living better life than I have, to act rather than stay and watch how others do. This essay on Kiera Brinkley: A Person Who Has Influenced My Life in Positive Way was written and submitted by user Xander Barnett to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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